Top 7 Workouts to lose weight, Boost metabolism and Increase energy

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By TheBushman

Want to lose weight? Boost metabolism? Increase energy? Consider these top 7 workouts to lose weight that hit the mark. They are quite simple and deliver results. Plus, you don’t have to do them at the gym. All you need is proper form and technique to ensure safety.

Top 7 Workouts to Lose Weight

First on the Bushman’s countdown is squats. Why it delivers: The legs, especially the thighs, are the seat of 40% of our muscles. Squats work all the muscles of the legs at the same time (quadriceps, hamstrings, and gluteus). The squat is #7 because of difficulty in execution. Exercises must be performed properly to avoid injury. About 85% of people in the gym risk injury due to poor squatting technique.

Top 7 Workouts to lose weight start with squats

Here’s how: Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and your back straight. Bend your knees and lower your rear as if you were sitting down in a chair, keeping your knees over your ankles. Avoid knees extending farther than toes.

The Bushman’s tip: Master the movement by practicing on a chair. Assume position; sit all the way down in the chair and stand back up. Next, don’t sit all the way down; barely touch the chair’s seat before standing back up. Lastly, kick off the chair, and do squats on your own.

#6. Lunges. Why it delivers: Like the squat, lunges work all the major muscles of the lower body, and earns a position over the squat because it adds improved balance. A good practice for the lunge is to take a big step forward, keeping spine straight. Then, bend front knee to approximately 90 degrees. Keep weight on back toes and drop the back knee three to four inches close to floor.

The Bushman’s tip: start slow and light. Increase difficulty (by holding equal weights on each hand) as you feel comfortable. Stepping backward and to the sides also throws in more challenge on balancing.

Push-ups makes #5 on our list. Why it delivers: Push-ups strengthen the chest, shoulders, triceps, and core muscles. The rear-end muscles, abdominals, biceps, triceps, and shoulder muscles are all engaged in the push up.

The Bushman’s tip: Start by leaning into high surfaces, such as kitchen counters, while standing. Then work your way to a desk or chair, and ultimately onto the floor. On the floor start with knees bent, then progress to toes on floor. Difficulty increases as feet are elevated. Up-side-down being the most difficult.

#4 Bent-Over Row. Why it delivers: it works all the major muscles of the upper back, the biceps, as well as the abdominals.

The Bushman’s tip: Master the move by performing the exercise without weights. Supporting body weight by sitting backwards on an incline bench can make practice easier.

Top 7 Workouts to lose weight - woman swimming freestyle

Swimming makes our #3. Why it delivers: it works all the muscles in the body at the same time, and throws in balance, coordination and lung work into the mix.
No workout burns calories like swimming. It is not #1 on our list because it is affected by weather, access, finance, and skill.

Some argue, that the calories burned by swimming is over compensated by the appetite it works up. The boost it gives to the metabolism, however, ranks it high on the list.

The Bushman’s tip: when you work up a ravenous appetite from swimming, try not to eat like you will die if you don’t! Snack all day long, with fruits containing lots of juices, such as watermelons, pineapples, and oranges, in between your small meals.

a couple running in nature

#2: Running. Why it delivers: running works all the major muscles of the body, with special emphasis on the mid section. Most people carry a lot of weight on the stomach and waist area, that is where running hit’s the most. That is why long distant runners and big cats have very little and toned abs, they run!

Bushman’s Tip: Start by running short distances and gradually move up. The key is to constantly challenge yourself. Increase the distance (and/or speed) as soon as you begin to feel comfortable. Running up hills, and running with back packs uphill, in between other workouts all translate into pushing yourself.

The #1 workout on our list? Walking. No surprise, the bushmen of south Africa invented this workout! They do it all day everyday, and the result: prime fitness.

Why it delivers: it can be done anywhere, anytime, on a treadmill, in the park, at the beach, with no equipment other than a good pair of shoes…or not! It is so easy everyone can do it. A beginner should start by walking five to 10 minutes at a time, gradually moving up to 30 minutes per session. Walking time should be lengthen as they progress, before speed or incline.

Bushman’s tip: Pick up the pace for a minute or two, then back off for five to 10 minutes, or add short sprints within your walk. The key is trying not to remain in your comfort zone.

The best walk-workout is on the beach. Well, on sand I mean. It delivers greater results faster. you burn 20 to 50 percent more calories than you would walking at the same pace on hard surface. Plus, if it gets too hot, you can jump in the water.

Whatever you do, put your smart phones to rest during workouts, people!

If you are new to exercise, over 40, have a health problem, or take regular medication, check with your doctor before starting a fitness program.