Our list of the top 10 unhealthy jobs do not take into account dangerous jobs that literally put lives in danger such as fire fighters, police officers, soldiers, and miners. It considers the common and often disregarded jobs, health-wise. While every job may contribute to health problems due to stress they mount on the body, there are certain ways jobs may become very detrimental to our health that are not readily seen. Plus, an individual may have a safe job, but lead an unhealthy lifestyle, such as smoking and consuming too much processed foods, etc.
Any job that mounts stress on the body, cuts down on sleep, and does not allow for breaks is unhealthy. Also, the long and short term effects of the jobs on the body are considered. The nature of the health effect, whether chronic, terminal, or permanent damage, is also a factor in our ranking.
See if your job or former job makes the list. I hope not!

10. Secretarial administration
Number 10 on our top 10 unhealthy jobs is secretarial/administrative jobs. Yes, secretaries would argue, but work with me here! This category applies to all secretarial/administrative roles. The personal assistants, the customer service representatives, and help desk employees.
The main adverse effect suffered by this job category is stress. Not to say stress is a minor health risk, but they can easily combat it with adaptogenic herbs such as Ginseng, Bee Pollen, Astragalus, and Suma, or several other means (see “Stress combating tips”). Adding to the stress is EMFs (electromagnetic frequency), poor diet, and lack of proper hydration and physical exertion. Most of which can be dealt with by making simple adjustments.
So secretaries…it’s not all that bad! Keep a positive attitude, get up and stretch and/or exercise every day, drink plenty of water, hold the caffeine, sugar, and dairy, and you will be alright!

9. Medical care providers
This category applies to doctors and nurses. Especially pediatricians and veterinarians who deal with a lot of patients with communicable diseases. It is popular belief that hospitals are the best places to get infected by bacteria, viruses. Apart from the baseline stress and common unhealthy habits these medical care providers face exposed to infections from their patients.
Their solution is pretty simple: wash hands and disinfect. Rubbing NSP’s Silver Shield gel on washed hands has the ability to protect them from catching an infection for hours. They need to watch out for carriers of infection and drink plenty of water also. Other support for the immune system such as antioxidants, and herbs maybe useful. See our immune boosting tips.
8. Zoo keeping/veterinary medicine
Next on our list are those jobs involving animal care. The zoo keepers, poultry, and other animal control jobs. What makes these jobs unhealthy is exposure to animal bacteria/parasites and diseases. Animals are known to carry pathogens on them, in their feces and urine with particles tiny enough to be airborne. Constant contact with animals may encourage transfer of parasites and other pathogens that cause chronic illnesses.
People in this category need to support respiratory system more than anything else. A periodic respiratory cleanse may be added to safety repertoire.
7. EMTs
We see them every once in a while, we love to hear their sirens when they are headed to rescue us. What you may not know is that ambulance workers work under one of the most risky conditions. Their stress levels are off the charts as they have irregular sleep schedules, poor diet (hardly any time to eat a good meal), often suffer dehydration; and they are exposed to environmental pollution as well as communicable diseases.
These people need adaptogenic and nervine herbs to help them deal with stress. Staying hydrated will go a long way with those in this category, also.
6. Pest/animal control
Everyday traffic hustle, endless driving, working with chemicals, and pests’ diseases place the next category at number six. This comprises pest control technicians, animal controllers, and Walk into a home place traps for mice, poisons for roaches and keep the ants at bay. Seem like a pretty easy job, right? Think again.
They have almost no time to eat a decent meal, as they are on the road all day; they are constantly being exposed to parasite-carrying pets (the fleas, and lice, etc), dangerous pesticides, and pathogens from pests such as rat urine and feces; plus they eat in their trucks. A study found heavy pesticide concentrations on the steering wheels of 97% of the pest control technicians’ trucks studied.
Eating in these trucks is common practice among workers in this group. What better way to get pesticides inside you?!
5. Respiratory therapy
Number five of unhealthy jobs on our list is the respiratory therapist. How much risk is there to health in a job like that? Apart from the baseline risk to health, the likelihood of developing asthma is high among therapists. The sad fact that they help improve other peoples’ respiratory health and in the process hurt theirs land this group at number five.
The culprit: exposure to airborne bronchodilator sprays. They create asthma. Asthma is a chronic condition, and that makes this risk serious. Studies show respiratory therapists are five times more likely to develop asthma with exposure to bronchodilator sprays than without exposure.

4. Cleaning/painting/lab work
This group is one of the most exposed to toxins and chemicals and other pathogens than any other group. They are the household cleaners, maids, carpet and office cleaners, painters, and lab workers. The constant handling of harmful chemicals on a daily basis takes this group to the number four spot.
Cleaning activities constitute serious health risks. Vacuuming, for example, pick up big dirt pieces, but leave tiny particles floating in the air, carrying harmful substances in them. Dust particles in the home are known to contain high concentrations of heavy metals, pesticides and pet allergens.
As if that is not enough, there is the exposure to bacteria such as E. coli from the kitchen and toilets (see …), plus exposure to second-hand smoke, cleaning solvents, other home chemicals and toxins such as lead-based paint, radon, mold, disease-causing pests (and pets), formaldehyde, and stain resistant chemicals on carpets and upholstery, leech into air, as well as communicable diseases from their clients.
The painters and lab workers also handle heavy metals and toxic chemicals on a daily basis. Breathing them in also.
Going green is the best answer for this group. Insist on safe, natural cleaning products. The good ole baking soda, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, lemon and other essential oils such as lavender. See The Bushman’s Magnificent Seven and Spring Cleaning.
These people need constant cleanses and detox from these pollutants. See “Types of cleanses” to pick a cleanse that may be right for you.
3. Factory work
This is no doubt the most common risky job as far as health is concerned. The long term negative effects of this category ranks it at number three. The key to the risk in this category is the toxic substance or chemical that is involved, and its means of pollution. For example, those working with asbestos would top the list here. Asbestos is not only toxic and cancer-causing; it is also very easily ingested into the lungs via breathing.
What makes it so deadly is the long term damaging effect on the lungs; and it results in terminal cancer.
2. The trucker
A surprise, the truck driver ranks at number two of unhealthy jobs. The trucker is not only prone to many long and short term diseases and conditions; they are also the number in unhealthy habits and junk food. They do too valuable and too sacrificial a job to suffer all that they do; God bless them.
On average the trucker sits all day hauling loads across country. I have a friend who is now resigned from the job would told me he has been to every state in America except Alaska and Hawaii. The galloping and bumping action of the eighteen wheelers alone obstructs many metabolic processes such as digestion and elimination.
They are, therefore, at a high risk of developing hemorrhoids, prostrate problems, indigestion, asthma, GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease); plus their poor diets and also poor absorption of nutrients take it to a higher level. Not to mention poor sleeping habits: a precursor to high blood pressure.
Truckers need tons of supplements to get by. A good probiotic- to maintain intestinal flora, digestive enzymes- to ensure proper digestion/absorption of nutrients, high antioxidants- to combat free radical damage, an adaptogen- to support stress mechanisms, a high fiber diet or supplement, and a good multiple mineral and vitamin supplement- to aid metabolic processes.

1. Carpentry
All the damages to health by the jobs on our list from 10 to two do not compare to the brain damage carpenters and furniture finishers suffer. The major culprit here is the finishing solvents. That is some toxic chemical that causes serious brain damage. Dr. Daniel Amen, of the Amen Clinics, a renowned brain doctor likened the damage from these solvents to that caused by hard drugs.
“They are doing hard drugs without even knowing it” Dr. Amen says. Once you can smell the solvents it is in your brain and entire respiratory system already. I met a lady whose dad is a very good carpenter. Upon hearing this, a client of mine admitted her dad, a carpenter and frequent finishing solvent user, always seemed high and goofy. The man is an ardent drug addict without even realizing it.
Unhealthy Jobs vs Your Health
It is indeed a sad thing: we take jobs and careers to help us pay the cost of staying healthy, among other things, and end up incurring more health problems. No one needs such a job; I don’t care how much your salary is.
This is how it plays out: you are pretty much healthy, until you take a job in a factory or as a trucker. “Just for a year or two” you tell yourself. Eighteen months later you are so sick from all the negative effects it metes out on your body. So you do well to quit, after 27 months, but the symptoms of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and even cancer do not quit your health!
They stay with you, and what’s more? You still have medical bills that you are unable to pay; more doctor visits to come; and your health condition prevents you from getting another job, or moving on with your career and other plans; that is if it does not kill you first. Give me healthy and broke any day!
Let us be wise in our choices, we have only one body, one health and one chance to keep it and enjoy life. I am not saying quit your job. That is entirely up to you. I am only saying be aware; and there are things you can do to protect yourself from bigger, chronic problems in the future. Remember: it is not enough to survive…you must thrive!